Thanksgiving Was Born From America’s Struggles
The history of the Pilgrims, the early Republic and the Civil War shaped a holiday that calls for gratitude in the face of challenges.
Norman Rockwell’s painting “Freedom From Want” is perhaps the most famous artistic depiction of an American Thanksgiving, showing a family joyfully gathered round an enormous turkey. For Rockwell, the abundance of the meal was the point, reflecting the ideal Franklin Roosevelt named in his famous “Four Freedoms” speech. Equally notable is the tranquility of the family gathering. There seems nary a disagreement among them; political divisions appear entirely absent.
In fact, these challenges don’t make our moment unique. The Thanksgiving we celebrate today evolved during periods of material struggle, political division and terrible loss. The lesson of American history is that national difficulties don’t detract from the meaning of Thanksgiving; they are the very grounding of gratitude.